In those final sleepless nights before your baby is born, you might lie awake thinking of what to put in your hospital bag, who will watch the dog, or heck, finalizing the name! But the arrival of that baby brings on a whole new onslaught of questions.
Is he getting enough milk? Why won’t she sleep more than 45 minutes at a time? He cries so much….is it an allergy? When will I get this under control? Where can I find a mellow mommy and me class? WTF is that stabbing pain in my pelvis? And once the wave of eager family and friend visitors subside, and let’s be honest, your partner goes back to work, it’s usually just mom and babe. Who to ask? Where to find help?
Lucky for you, we NYC Mommy Poppins moms have a few babies between the lot of us. We’re not going to say just how many, but we are compiling a list of resources that have been helpful to us over the years, from postpartum therapy and lactation consultants to parent support groups. And don’t forget to peruse our Baby and Pregnancy Guide for more NYC resources.